In Drupal, modules (a.k.a. plugins, extensions, whatsoever) have been of great help in developing a site. It makes it easier for developers to achieve any feature in a given website. So, I'd like to share some Drupal modules that I am currently using and hopefully would also help others using Drupal:
Node Teaser - Allows users to specify a teaser that would be displayed when it is needed. Usually teasers are limited characters that are taken out from the body of a node or a content of a page. This module provides a separate teaser field.Node Words - Allows users to manually specify a meta description and keywords for a page. A new field is created for users to input the description and keywords. Though, keywords and the number of characters for a description are limited.
Article - The module creates a hierarchy of index pages from an index page that contains all terms to index pages that contains the nodes marked to each terms. The URL of the main index page which contains all terms would be /article/0. The module lets you specify which vocabulary you would like it to generate pages for. Only drawback is, since Drupal creates an index page of nodes for terms (URL is /taxonomy/term/#)
Path Redirect - The module allows users to specify a redirection using HTTP redirect status for a specific URL. So, let's say you would like a page that was created with Drupal be redirected to another page, you could use this module. It also has options such as the page you want redirected goes to a page with a '?' or a "#", this module also allows you to specify that.Global Redirect - Since when you specify aliases for pages, Drupal creates two URLs that contains the same content. Usually when you create a page and specify an alias for that page, visitors are able to access the same content using either /node/# or /alias. What this module does is redirect a visitor when he/she accesses a content using the URL /node/# to /alias. And, there's no need to do any configuration because once it is installed, it just do its thing. One drawback, however. Global Redirect, I believe, was not designed to work with Drupal installations in a subfolder. So, you only need to modify the module's .module file to make it work.
Print - The module creates a printer-friendly version page of the current node. It creates a link at the bottom (by default) of the page that says "Printer-friendly version". There is an option wherein you can choose in which section you would like to display the link. The module uses the URL /print/node_number that displays the printer-friendly page of the node.
Views - is, by far, the most powerful module that I believe I am currently using. The Views module allows admins to have control over it i.e., make it not visible to anonymous users, choose amongst various options on how it would display nodes belonging to a term, clone a view to save time, etc. Basically, its purpose is to create a directory that contains nodes depending on how you would like them to be sorted out - by titles followed by teasers, sorted alphabetically, directory contains nodes that belong to this and that term, etc.
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