Just got hooked up on Twitter. I'm really having fun using this web application. It's like a blog although you get to post short messages. Really cool. It's been up in the web for a long time, I guess, although I never had the chance to try it. The only drawback I noticed is that Twitter mostly gets downtime. I guess it's natural since there are a lot of users and, at the same time, a lot of tweets.
The first time I used Twitter, I was posting tweets by visiting their site until I found the download section. Lol. I installed the Twitbin extension in my Firefox and then, ever since, I was posting tweets using this. Twitbin creates a sidebar where you can manage your twitter without visiting the site. Then again, yesterday, I was able to download Twitteroo. A Windows program that again allows you to manage your twitter easily. Currently, the file from the official website is corrupted (most people say). So if you're planning to download it, better find another download site for Twitteroo (I forgot the site where I downloaded it. Haha).
As of now, I only have 2 followers. Haha. Hopefully that would increase. But the thing is, I am enjoying the service. I'm also finding some twitter-ers to follow. Better prepare, I might be following you next. Lol. Anyways, it's also good that I can add a twitter gadget in blogger. I just recently found it here.
Update: Lately, I've been using the service from ping.fm to post tweets since I was too lazy to log in to social network sites. Ping.fm allows me to just send a message to their "bot" using Yahoo! Messenger.
August 17, 2008 at 9:02 PM
Thanks for linking my post in your blog. If you are using the widget please leave comments in my blog with your blog URL. Once again Thanks :)
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