My Current Text Editor

I always wonder why I keep on looking for a good text editor. I have tried a lot of editors ever since I was practicing PHP (as if tuod). And until now, I'm still trying to find one. Just a while ago, I was forced to download Notepad++ again because it was the editor installed in the workstation I was working on. I have already tried Notepadd++ a long time ago but, then, stopped using it after it crashed. It was not able to handle the large files I was opening. Anyways, after installing Notepad++, I just found out that aside from having the most features of most editors out there e.g. syntax highlighting, auto completion, matching braces, it also has an FTP function. I'm not sure if this feature was already added when I first tried it but it's there now so I guess, from now on, Notepad++ and I would be partners again.

The current Notepad++ release also has some plug-ins pre-installed. The last time I tried it, I had to manually install the TextFX plug-in.

Here's a few list of Notepad++'s features that I consider useful:

  • auto-completion
  • "Run" feature
  • syntax highlighting
  • convert spaces to tabs
  • match braces
  • auto indention
  • folding
  • incremental search
  • search and replace
  • macro
  • full screen mode
  • light explorer plug-in
  • TextFX plug-in
  • FTP synchronize plug-in
I consider these features useful though I don't use them often. The drawback that I noticed when I was using it a while ago was that it becomes slow when many plug-ins are being used. It probably depends on the computer you're working on.